ማህበረሰብ ዕቃዎች / አገልግሎቶች ሶፍትዌር እና ሃርድዌር Framasoft 3.5 3.5 out of 5 stars (based on 2 reviews) እጅግ በጣም ጥሩ0%በጣም ጥሩ50%አማካይ50%ደካማ0%አሰቃቂ0% በየንግድ ልኬት_azrarp14/05/2020 Framasoft is a popular education social network created in November 2001 by Alexis Kauffmann, ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ
ትምህርት ዕቃዎች / አገልግሎቶች ShareStarter.org 2.0 2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review) እጅግ በጣም ጥሩ0%በጣም ጥሩ0%አማካይ0%ደካማ100%አሰቃቂ0% በየንግድ ልኬት_azrarp14/05/2020 ShareStarter.org is the site for the proposed Lending Library Alliance (LLA). The LLA promotes ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ