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Add your mustard (german: “Senf”) Many claim: “Reliable video conferencing? Only big companies in Silicon Valley can do that”. But these companies are repeatedly criticised for endangering our privacy and the security of our computers. As students in Darmstadt and Karlsruhe, we were forced by our universities to use the applications of such companies. That’s why we want to show that video communication for digital family visits, web seminars, teaching and conferences also works with data protection. With Senfcall we offer videoconferencing via the open source software BigBlueButton™. The advantage: to use Senfcall you only need your web browser – no additional software that creates new security holes. So that you can also use privacy protecting video conferences.

002.05.2021 г

senfcall, здаецца, нічога не хоча за прадастаўленне іх паслуг. Ні дадзеных, ні ўвагі, ні грошай. Яны прадастаўляюць свае паслугі на ахвяраванні. 5/5 блокаў для гэтага.

вобраз загрузніка

вобраз загрузніка Абавязковыя палі пазначаны Абавязковыя палі пазначаны