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Duolicious is a personality-based dating app for meeting like-minded people. Duolicious has a question bank containing over 2000 thoughtful and unique questions designed to help us gain authentic insight into your personality—But you don’t need to answer them all to find your perfect match! Right after your first response, Duolicious shows your best matches so far—And the matches get better with every response you give. The questions are fun and easy-to-answer, while still giving the depth of insight Duolicious needs to match you with the right people. Our question bank covers a huge variety of topics, including values, faith, politics and sexual compatibility.


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Vaša email adresa neće biti objavljena. Obavezna polja su označena Medijski tasteri i nožne pedale: Parlatype se može kontrolisati pomoću dugmeta "Play" sa vaše multimedijalne tastature. Na ovaj način ne mora imati fokus da bi ga kontrolirao. Možete ukucati svoju tekstualnu aplikaciju i još uvijek imati neku (osnovnu) kontrolu nad Parlatypeom. Nožne pedale se mogu dodijeliti gumbu za reprodukciju.