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Many hackers around the world are (re-)decentralizing the net. This is our part, offering distributed, free (as in freedom) services to the world. Always based on Free Open Source Software. We believe that building, owning and controlling technology is important. Hackers and Open Source communities have an opportunity and a responsibility to offer an alternative, to offer services and tools that people can trust. Beyond corporate control, that comes with tracking and data farming. Decentralized services and tools that respect users privacy by default.


They have a no ads and trackers policy ( 5/5 blocks for offering so many services as trade-free. They are based on donations so if people are willing to help the project, they are welcome to do so, but they are not forced.

Ostavite odgovor

Vaša email adresa neće biti objavljena. Obavezna polja su označena Medijski tasteri i nožne pedale: Parlatype se može kontrolisati pomoću dugmeta "Play" sa vaše multimedijalne tastature. Na ovaj način ne mora imati fokus da bi ga kontrolirao. Možete ukucati svoju tekstualnu aplikaciju i još uvijek imati neku (osnovnu) kontrolu nad Parlatypeom. Nožne pedale se mogu dodijeliti gumbu za reprodukciju.