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Ricochet Refresh is an instant messenger where no one knows your identity, who you’re talking to, or what you’re talking about. You can talk to whoever you want, without them knowing your identity (or IP address) No one can know who you’re talking to, or when you’re talking to them* (no metadata) You talk directly to your contact – there’s no middleman server that could be compromised, putting you at risk. It’s cross-platform, easy to install, and easy to use! It’s open source, and open to contribution!


no trackers, ads, subscription fees or anything. This is a great example of a trade-free messenger.

Ostavite odgovor

Vaša email adresa neće biti objavljena. Obavezna polja su označena Medijski tasteri i nožne pedale: Parlatype se može kontrolisati pomoću dugmeta "Play" sa vaše multimedijalne tastature. Na ovaj način ne mora imati fokus da bi ga kontrolirao. Možete ukucati svoju tekstualnu aplikaciju i još uvijek imati neku (osnovnu) kontrolu nad Parlatypeom. Nožne pedale se mogu dodijeliti gumbu za reprodukciju.