Evidence Action is dedicated to improving the lives of millions of people across Africa and Asia. Our approach fills the gap between research about “what works” and implementing solutions for people in need. We operate in six countries across the globe and positively impact hundreds of millions of lives every year in a measurable way by delivering our evidence-based interventions where the need and opportunity are greatest.
Prestemu servizii à e persone più vulnerabili in questi paesi, indipendentemente da a so razza, religione, sessu o affiliazione politica. Alcuni di i paesi induve operemu sò demucrazie rappresentative mentre altri ùn sò micca. E nostre operazioni in un determinatu paese ùn riflettenu in alcun modu un appoghju à a forma di guvernu di quellu paese, è valutemu continuamente a situazione pulitica duve noi operemu.
They seem to provide trade-free services for people: “Trained school teachers administered free-of-cost deworming medicine (mebendazole), which is universally recognized as a safe and cost-effective treatment” for parasitic worm infections. (https://www.evidenceaction.org/deworm-islamabad-press-release/) Another program they have is to provide dispensers for safe water: “By providing chlorine for free, we make sure those who need it most don’t have to make difficult trade-offs.” (https://www.evidenceaction.org/dispensersforsafewater/) – that’s fantastic!