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Helen Keller International combats the causes and consequences of blindness and malnutrition by establishing programs based on evidence and research in vision, health and nutrition.

yn cynnig:

3 blocks for the many trackers (and possible ads) on their website.


So I found out they do provide trade-free goods: “Since 1994, Helen Keller International has provided free vision screenings for more than 2 million children in the United States and provided more than 300,000 of them with prescription eyeglasses to solve common vision problems.” – but they also provide access to some trade-based services: “We are improving access to high-quality, affordable cataract surgeries for poor and remote communities in under-served regions of Asia.” (https://www.hki.org/what-we-do/saving-sight/)

Of course it’s great that they provide affordable cataract surgeries for poor people, but that’s not trade-free. So I can’t give them 5/5 blocks, even though they seem to be a great organization with good intentions.

Gadewch Ateb

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