
Plume is a federated blogging engine, based on ActivityPub. It is written in Rust, with the Rocket framework, and Diesel to interact with the database. The front-end uses Ructe templates, WASM and SCSS. Write once, publish everywhere – Plume is not just a single website, but an entire interconnected, yet independent network of what we call instances. You write content from your own instance, but anyone else on any other Plume instance can enjoy your stories too. Social blogging – When we write, it is, most of the time, to share something with other people. Plume has many features that allow the exchange between writers and readers to be bi-directional from the get-go. Collaborative writing – Plume also makes it easy to collaborate on an article. Since blogs are not limited to one author, many people can write on the same blog and improve each other’s work, to get to the best final result.
Wow, interesting. A trade-free blogging plattform. Trade-free, because Plume doesn’t want my data, attention, currency or anything else. You can also host your own instance. 5/5 blocks from me.