Muri Keimami
mataveilawa vakadonui»
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Wikivoyage is a free web-based travel guide for travel destinations and travel topics written by volunteer authors. It is a sister project of Wikipedia and supported and hosted by the same non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Wikivoyage has been called the “Wikipedia of travel guides”. The project began when editors at the German and then Italian versions of Wikitravel decided in September 2006 to move their editing activities and then current content to a new site, in accordance with the site copyright license, a procedure known as “forking”. The resulting site went live as “Wikivoyage” on December 10, 2006 and was owned and operated by a German association set up for that purpose, Wikivoyage e.V. (which continues to be its representative association). Content was published under the copyleft license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike.


trade-free of course, because the website doesn’t want anything from you – no data, attention or anything else.

Biuta e Dua na iSaunitaro

Ena sega ni tabaki na nomu itikotiko ni imeli. Sa makataki na lomanibai e gadrevi *