bathar / seirbheisean Bathar-bog & Bathar-cruaidh chatons free services 4.0 4.0 a-mach à 5 rionnagan (stèidhichte air 1 lèirmheas) Sgoinneil0%Glè mhath100%Cuibheasach0%Bochd0%Uabhasach0% Le bhithtradefree_azrarp14/12/2020 Free-software services from the CHATONS collective, to decentralize and discover a web on a Leugh Tuilleadh
bathar / seirbheisean Ioma-mheadhan Bathar-bog & Bathar-cruaidh Plume 5.0 5.0 a-mach à 5 rionnagan (stèidhichte air 1 lèirmheas) Sgoinneil100%Glè mhath0%Cuibheasach0%Bochd0%Uabhasach0% Le bhithtradefree_azrarp13/09/2020 Plume is a federated blogging engine, based on ActivityPub. It is written in Rust, with the Leugh Tuilleadh