bathar / seirbheisean Bathar-bog & Bathar-cruaidh Feeds 5.0 5.0 a-mach à 5 rionnagan (stèidhichte air 1 lèirmheas) Sgoinneil100%Glè mhath0%Cuibheasach0%Bochd0%Uabhasach0% DotFontstradefree_azrarp15/05/2020 Feeds is a minimal RSS/Atom feed reader built with speed and simplicity in mind. It offers a Leugh Tuilleadh
bathar / seirbheisean Bathar-bog & Bathar-cruaidh Leughadair Feed 5.0 5.0 a-mach à 5 rionnagan (stèidhichte air 1 lèirmheas) Sgoinneil100%Glè mhath0%Cuibheasach0%Bochd0%Uabhasach0% DotFontstradefree_azrarp15/05/2020 FeedReader is a modern desktop application designed to complement existing web-based RSS Leugh Tuilleadh