Entertainment ngwongwo / ọrụ Akụrụngwa & Akụrụngwa SuperTUx Kart 4.0 4.0 n'ime kpakpando 5 (dabere na nyocha 1) Ọmarịcha0%Ọ dị ezigbo mma100%Nkezi0%Ogbenye0%Jọgburu0% Lieutenant Skatahiafree_azrarp19/07/2020 Karts. Nitro. Action! SuperTuxKart is a 3D open-source arcade racer with a variety characters, GỤKWUO
Entertainment ngwongwo / ọrụ Akụrụngwa & Akụrụngwa SuperTux 5.0 5.0 n'ime kpakpando ise (dabere na nyocha 1) Ọmarịcha100%Ọ dị ezigbo mma0%Nkezi0%Ogbenye0%Jọgburu0% Lieutenant Skatahiafree_azrarp19/07/2020 SuperTux is a jump and run game with strong inspiration from the Super Mario Bros. games for GỤKWUO
ngwongwo / ọrụ Akụrụngwa & Akụrụngwa Pọdkastị 5.0 5.0 n'ime kpakpando ise (dabere na nyocha 1) Ọmarịcha100%Ọ dị ezigbo mma0%Nkezi0%Ogbenye0%Jọgburu0% Lieutenant Skatahiafree_azrarp19/07/2020 Gee pọdkastị ọkacha mmasị gị, site na desktọpụ gị.GỤKWUO
ngwongwo / ọrụ Akụrụngwa & Akụrụngwa Elisa 5.0 5.0 n'ime kpakpando ise (dabere na nyocha 1) Ọmarịcha100%Ọ dị ezigbo mma0%Nkezi0%Ogbenye0%Jọgburu0% Lieutenant Skatahiafree_azrarp18/07/2020 Elisa is a music player developed by the KDE community that strives to be simple and nice to GỤKWUO
Entertainment ngwongwo / ọrụ Akụrụngwa & Akụrụngwa Ihe mgbagwoju anya 5.0 5.0 n'ime kpakpando ise (dabere na nyocha 1) Ọmarịcha100%Ọ dị ezigbo mma0%Nkezi0%Ogbenye0%Jọgburu0% Lieutenant Skatahiafree_azrarp18/07/2020 Palapeli is a single-player jigsaw puzzle game. Unlike other games in that genre, you are not GỤKWUO
Entertainment ngwongwo / ọrụ Akụrụngwa & Akụrụngwa OpenRA 4.0 4.0 n'ime kpakpando 5 (dabere na nyocha 1) Ọmarịcha0%Ọ dị ezigbo mma100%Nkezi0%Ogbenye0%Jọgburu0% Lieutenant Skatahiafree_azrarp18/07/2020 OpenRA is a project that recreates and modernizes the classic Command & Conquer real time GỤKWUO
Entertainment ngwongwo / ọrụ Akụrụngwa & Akụrụngwa Mines 5.0 5.0 n'ime kpakpando ise (dabere na nyocha 1) Ọmarịcha100%Ọ dị ezigbo mma0%Nkezi0%Ogbenye0%Jọgburu0% Lieutenant Skatahiafree_azrarp18/07/2020 Mines (previously gnomine) is a puzzle game where you locate mines floating in an ocean using GỤKWUO
Entertainment ngwongwo / ọrụ Akụrụngwa & Akụrụngwa Ndị ọchịagha 5.0 5.0 n'ime kpakpando ise (dabere na nyocha 1) Ọmarịcha100%Ọ dị ezigbo mma0%Nkezi0%Ogbenye0%Jọgburu0% Lieutenant Skatahiafree_azrarp18/07/2020 KNights is a chess game. As a player, your goal is to defeat your opponent by checkmating their king.GỤKWUO
Entertainment ngwongwo / ọrụ Akụrụngwa & Akụrụngwa Lights Off 5.0 5.0 n'ime kpakpando ise (dabere na nyocha 1) Ọmarịcha100%Ọ dị ezigbo mma0%Nkezi0%Ogbenye0%Jọgburu0% Lieutenant Skatahiafree_azrarp18/07/2020 Lights Off is a puzzle game, where the objective is to turn off all of the tiles on the board. GỤKWUO
Entertainment ngwongwo / ọrụ Akụrụngwa & Akụrụngwa KMahjongg 5.0 5.0 n'ime kpakpando ise (dabere na nyocha 1) Ọmarịcha100%Ọ dị ezigbo mma0%Nkezi0%Ogbenye0%Jọgburu0% Lieutenant Skatahiafree_azrarp18/07/2020 In KMahjongg the tiles are scrambled and staked on top of each other to resemble a certain GỤKWUO