Sito ufficiale "
di: is a website that provides you with free ebooks for learning programming. These books cover a wide range of topics like Android development, Bash, C, C++, CSS, Git, HTML5, Java, Latex, Linux, Python, SQL Server and more


I forgot to turn off ublock origin before submitting this website to the trade-free directory, lol. This website has ads and trackers in them, making it not very trade-free. The books themselves are good, but the website is not trade-free. PS: Use uBlock Origin folks, its the best ad-blocker, and its trade-free too 🙂


Sono d'accordo sul fatto che si tratta di ebook gratuiti per l'apprendimento della programmazione, tuttavia ci sono alcuni tracker sul sito Web che sono una bandiera rossa. Ecco perché do 3/5 blocchi.

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