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ANDHERI HILFE – with the poorest in India and Bangladesh

별 5개 중 5.0개(리뷰 1개 기준)
우수한100 %
아주 좋아0%
공식 웹 사이트 "

Currently (2023) we support about 80 projects in India and Bangladesh and reach more than 1.300.000 people. Our projects target the problems which are most urgent and implement solutions which have a sustainable impact. We always address the poorest and most disadvantaged people. All our projects aim to open new opportunities for the people so that they can develop their own skills and use them. Five major targets shape our work: to strengthen rights, to promote education, to faciliate health, to secure independence and to protect the environment and the climate.

제안 :

Andheri seems to provide trade-free help for people in need.

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