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공식 웹 사이트 "

Being one of the largest scientific organizations in Europe, the information published by the community of Helmholtz researchers in the “World Wide Web” is equally manifold. In the Research Field (RF) Earth and Environment, one of the six research fields of the Helmholtz Association the offer is just as broad. There are the seven websites of the participating Helmholtz centers with their many research and project subsites, their job and data portals, expert databases, media libraries, press portals, social media channels, event calendars, transfer activities, apps. To give even more examples, the web cosmos of the RF Earth and Environment also includes numerous scientific initiatives, large projects or infrastructures, and the joint research program “Changing Earth”. For the first time this impressive variety of digital spaces with all their content is now bundled and made accessible via a central gateway. Our new entry to the fascinating world of Earth System Research by Helmholtz can now be visited at https://erdeumwelt.helmholtz.de. Programmed as a so-called “Progressive WebApp” (PWA), it can also be easily installed on the “home screen” of younger smartphones via your Internet browser.

제안 :

a science hub with a lot of trade-free materials.

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