우리를 따르라
공식 웹 사이트 "

Human Connection is a non-profit social knowledge and action network of the next generation. By people – for people. Open Source, fair and transparent. For positive local and global change in all areas of life. We completely redesign the public exchange of knowledge, ideas and projects. The functions of Human Connection bring people together – offline and online – so that we can make the world a better place.

제안 :

the network does not exist anymore. As far as I know, they ran out of donations, however the source code is trade-free on github and can be used by anybody I guess.

2020년 6월 21일

Pretty much trade-free I’d say. Human Connection has no trackers or ads and you have control to filter the content by categories, emotions, languages and people you follow. Because of that I give 5/5 blocks.

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