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공식 웹 사이트 "

International Medical Corps is a global, nonprofit, humanitarian aid organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering by providing emergency medical services, as well as healthcare training and development programs, to those affected by disaster, disease or conflict. The organization responds quickly during disasters and humanitarian crises, providing emergency medical relief and healthcare to affected regions and training local healthcare workers with the goal of creating self-reliant, self-sustaining medical services and infrastructure in places where these had previously been lacking. International Medical Corps focuses on health services support, including primary and secondary healthcare, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, supplemental food for malnourished children, clean water and hygiene education, mental health and psychosocial care, women’s and children’s health (including assistance for survivors of gender-based violence), and emergency response and preparedness.

제안 :

Another humanitarian organization that seems to provide trade-free help for people in need. On their website they do have a lot of trackers and ads though. They use google-analytics and promote trade-based social networks like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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