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공식 웹 사이트 "

Quad9 is a global public recursive DNS resolver which aims to protect users from malware and phishing. Quad9 is operated by the Quad9 Foundation, a Swiss public-benefit, not-for-profit foundation with the purpose of improving the privacy and cybersecurity of Internet users, headquartered in Zurich. It is the only global public resolver which is operated not-for-profit, in the public benefit. Quad9 is entirely subject to Swiss privacy law, and the Swiss government extends that protection of law to Quad9’s users throughout the world, regardless of citizenship or country of residence. Quad9 is currently the only global recursive resolver which is not subject to United States law, as the others are each domiciled in the San Francisco Bay Area and governed by the Northern District of California US Federal Court.

제안 :

In todays world where everything you do is being tracked on the internet, quad9 offers a trade-free DNS service. It is based on donations and non-profit – clearly a sign that there’s little to no incentive of making a profit out of that service.

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