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공식 웹 사이트 "

monocles is a project founded to move to a more secure, ecofriendly, privacy respecting, fair and open source technical and digital life for everyone. monocles search is the most privacy-respecting, secure and ethical public search engine due to a open source meta-search engine combined with open source peer-to-peer search engines, aggregating the results of other search engines while not storing information about its users and directly powered with renewable energy. But that’s just one little function you can use. We try to offer a complete independency from big companies while protection your data and communications with decentralized and open source services and applications. monocles is not a closed platform like many others. It is your secure access to an independent worldwide network.

제안 :

Monocles offers a bunch of services without tracking people or showing ads. However, they offer their starter account for 1,50€ per month and the full account for 4€ per month (https://ocean.monocles.de/apps/registration/). This is an obvious trade and therefore we cannot include these services to the trade-free directory.

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