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The website is for sport lovers. You can download free training and workouts programs. Has exercise samples. Delivers live online personal training sessions.Don’t need to register, no trackers and no ads. You can submit your videos for analyzing your body movements and exercise technique.They are running local free gym.Accept donations.

제안 :

Maybe what he provides is “trade-free” but it is a very confusing “good/service”….for one if we accept this then we probably will accept any Karen offering online guitar lessons from time to time, and the directory is not for that as we mentioned here https://www.directory.trade-free.org/guide/. I also recommend other websites for that purpose. We want to include proper goods/services that are offered on a constant basis from organizations that are seem trustful. Second, the website is strange…hard to grasp what it is all about. I think the owner of the website wants for people to trade some “tokens” in return for more of his “service” https://www.directory.trade-free.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Pasted.png. They also use lbry.tv that injectstrackers into the website + the service incentivizes trades for those who upload videos on their platform. Overall a very confusing good/service that is better placed in another directory.


I would say these things might be from people with honest intentions, but we should not include these in the directory. We can not post every blog which doesn’t collect data and has no ads in the directory. There are things like sharebay and kindista where people can share their knowledge and offer trade-free workouts and things like that. About the website: I am confused because I read tokens and I can “Pick up the $ 200 Prize”: https://www.directory.trade-free.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Pasted-2.png (https://myworkoutarena.org/HomeLT.html) Also the ask-for-donations thing is quite aggresive, because under every video you’re asked to donate (https://www.directory.trade-free.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Pasted-3.png) and links are provided to trade-based plattforms like paypal, steemit and if you want to upload a video (I guess to get a feedback if you do the exercise correct) you can upload it “free” at https://ufile.io/ – however they offer you a pro and business plan which costs money and they want you to sign up for that of course.

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