Communitas bonis / officia Wikivoyage 5.0 5.0 ex V stellae (secundum recensionem I) praeclarusC%ipsum bonum,0%mediocris0%pauper0%horribilis0% Bytradefree_azrarp28/07/2020 Wikivoyage is a free web-based travel guide for travel destinations and travel topics written Lege plus
Communitas bonis / officia 5.0 5.0 ex V stellae (secundum recensionem I) praeclarusC%ipsum bonum,0%mediocris0%pauper0%horribilis0% Bytradefree_azrarp11/06/2020 Do you really know the people around you? Get to know each other with this trade-free question Lege plus
Communitas bonis / officia Freegle 2.0 2.0 ex V stellae (secundum recensionem I) praeclarus0%ipsum bonum,0%mediocris0%pauperC%horribilis0% Bytradefree_azrarp09/06/2020 We help people give and get things for free in their local community. Some people have stuff Lege plus
Communitas bonis / officia Cibus Free Inc. 3.0 3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review) praeclarus0%ipsum bonum,0%mediocrisC%pauper0%horribilis0% Bytradefree_azrarp09/06/2020 Food Is Free Inc. is a grassroots, community led not-for-profit group benefitting all Ballarat Lege plus
Communitas bonis / officia trashnothing 3.5 3.5 out of 5 stars (based on 2 reviews) praeclarus0%ipsum bonum,L%mediocrisL%pauper0%horribilis0% Bytradefree_azrarp09/06/2020 Over 8 million people around the world are giving and getting free things in their local communities.Lege plus
Communitas bonis / officia Services & Software Kindista 5.0 5.0 ex V stellae (secundum recensionem I) praeclarusC%ipsum bonum,0%mediocris0%pauper0%horribilis0% Bytradefree_azrarp09/06/2020 Share freely. After decades of consumerism, we live in a world of abundance. Over the same time Lege plus
Communitas bonis / officia Services & Software Nextcloud 5.0 5.0 ex V stellae (secundum recensionem I) praeclarusC%ipsum bonum,0%mediocris0%pauper0%horribilis0% Bytradefree_azrarp05/06/2020 Nextcloud is the most deployed on-premises file share and collaboration platform. Access and Lege plus
Communitas bonis / officia 3.3 3.3 out of 5 stars (based on 4 reviews) praeclarus0%ipsum bonum,L%mediocris25%pauper25%horribilis0% Bytradefree_azrarp03/06/2020 Give, take or borrow anything on Sharebay – the world’s first, completely free Lege plus
Communitas bonis / officia Services & Software 2.3 2.3 out of 5 stars (based on 3 reviews) praeclarus0%ipsum bonum,0%mediocris67%pauper0%horribilis33% Bytradefree_azrarp31/05/2020 Libre Cloud Services. is a libre platform providing free cloud storage, online Lege plus
Communitas bonis / officia multimedia Services & Software 4.0 4.0 ex V stellae (secundum recensionem I) praeclarus0%ipsum bonum,C%mediocris0%pauper0%horribilis0% Bytradefree_azrarp31/05/2020 A community where developers and artists share applications, themes and other content.Lege plus