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Америкийн зүрхний нийгэмлэг

Цаас бол дүрсийг бүтээхэд тод өнгө, энгийн геометрийн хэлбэрийг ашиглахад суурилсан орчин үеийн чөлөөт ширээний дүрсний сэдэв юм. Тус бүр…
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The American Heart Association (AHA) is a non-profit organization in the United States that funds cardiovascular medical research, educates consumers on healthy living and fosters appropriate cardiac care in an effort to reduce disability and deaths caused by cardiovascular disease and stroke. Originally formed in New York City in 1924 as the Association for the Prevention and Relief of Heart Disease,[3] it is currently headquartered in Dallas, Texas. The American Heart Association is a national voluntary health agency. They are known for publishing guidelines on cardiovascular disease and prevention, standards on basic life support, advanced cardiac life support (ACLS), and pediatric advanced life support (PALS), and in 2014 issued its first guidelines for preventing strokes in women.

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On their official website they post several ads and trackers + they have an online shop. So they want people’s attention, data, and currency (money). However their work is more than just the online reach, it is funding scientific research, education in general, and providing medical aid.


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