Биднийг дага
албан ёсны цахим хуудас "

Mini Diary is a simple and secure journal app. It features a beautiful and clean design with no distractions, letting you fully focus on your writing. You’re in control of your data. The journal is encrypted with a password and stored locally on your device. Mini Diary makes it also easy to import your existing journal from other apps or export your data in various file formats. The app is and always will be free, and its source code can be viewed on GitHub.

санал болгож байна:
Anti-Robot Verification
FriendlyCaptcha ⇗

not maintained anymore


Simple and secure trade-free journal app, because you don’t have to trade anything for it.


Таны имэйл хаяг нийтлэгдэхгүй. Шаардлагатай талбаруудыг тэмдэглэсэн байна *