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Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V. – or Welthungerhilfe (literally: World Hunger Aid) for short – is a German non-denominational and politically independent non-profit and non-governmental aid agency working in the fields of development cooperation and humanitarian assistance. Since its founding in 1962, it has used 4.2 billion euros to carry out more than 10.369 projects in 70 countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Welthungerhilfe holds the Seal of Approval awarded by Deutsches Zentralinstitut für Soziale Fragen (DZI). In 2014, Welthungerhilfe and the aid organization World Vision International were announced the most transparent German organizations.

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It seems like there are some trackers/ads on the website. Besides that, this organization seems to provide trade-free aid for people in need.

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