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Wikiquote is one of a family of wiki-based projects run by the Wikimedia Foundation, running on MediaWiki software. Based on an idea by Daniel Alston and implemented by Brion Vibber, the goal of the project, which began as an outgrowth to Wikipedia Famous Quotations, is to produce collaboratively a vast reference of quotations from prominent people, books, films, proverbs, etc. and to be as proper as possible in regard to the details of the quotations and also providing the appropriate human reference of the quotation. Though there are many online collections of quotations, Wikiquote is distinguished by being among the few that provide an opportunity for visitors to contribute and the very few which strive to provide exact sources for each quotation as well as corrections of misattributed quotations. Wikiquote pages are cross-linked to articles about the notable personalities on Wikipedia. Initially, the project was created solely in English; a later expansion to include additional languages was started in July 2004.


As Wikiquote being part of the wiki-based projects, you expect it to be trade-free and if you open an article (like this one for example: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King,_Jr.) that assumption is confirmed, as the site is void of trackers and ads and any other trades. Therefore I give 5/5 blocksDirektori ini ialah koleksi barangan & perkhidmatan bebas perdagangan yang wujud di dunia hari ini. Barangan atau perkhidmatan dianggap sebagai bebas perdagangan jika ia tidak meminta apa-apa (tiada wang, tiada data, tiada perhatian dll.). Ini adalah bentuk percuma dan paling jujur. Jika anda mengetahui lebih banyak barangan & perkhidmatan bebas perdagangan, anda boleh menyerahkannya

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