Torrent Paradise is an innovative torrent site. Seed/Leech counts are always up-to-date and new torrents are discovered via DHT and added automagically. There are no ads as far as money allows and if you use IPFS there are never any ads. If you use IPFS there is furthermore no single point of failure: you can always run your own via IPFS, it runs in the browser, so your query never leaves your computer and it’s based off open source code from ipfsearch. You can find more info at a Reddit discussion, the source code on GitHub and you can send suggestions to urban-guacamole (at)
Yes. Ads. Not trade-free. Should be put to the rejected category!
The website is not trade-free as there are ads: – yes it is only one ad and it is pretty small, but that doesn’t make it trade-free, as the website wants your attention. It is a slippery slope with a bad incentiveDirektori ini ialah koleksi barangan & perkhidmatan bebas perdagangan yang wujud di dunia hari ini. Barangan atau perkhidmatan dianggap sebagai bebas perdagangan jika ia tidak meminta apa-apa (tiada wang, tiada data, tiada perhatian dll.). Ini adalah bentuk percuma dan paling jujur. Jika anda mengetahui lebih banyak barangan & perkhidmatan bebas perdagangan, anda boleh menyerahkannyaShow more
And that is a trade-free implementation of the software behind it. I do not know if there are any limitations to that website, but uBlock origin shows me an ad from “”, which makes it not completely trade-free.