websajt uffiċjali »

Pjattaforma li n-nies jistgħu jużaw biex jospitaw vjaġġaturi, isibu ospiti couchsurfing, u jiltaqgħu ma 'nies li jaħsbuha l-istess. Trustroots qed tinbena minn tim żgħir ta ’attivisti li ħassew li d-dinja tal-qsim qed tittieħed mill-korporazzjonijiet li jippruvaw jimmodernizzaw ir-rieda tan-nies li jgħinu lil xulxin.


I just joined that platform to check it out and I like it and I have access to hosts all around the world. However I noticed the website uses google-analytics, which means they collect some data… thus they are not trade-free. But they point to that in their privacy page and explain how to opt out of analytics tracking ( As a side node they also promote their page on trade-based websites like facebook, instagram or twitter as you can see here or here: – but all in all they seem to be honest and don’t want to make a profit out of their users.

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