Disroot hija pjattaforma li tipprovdi servizzi onlajn ibbażati fuq prinċipji ta’ libertà, privatezza, federazzjoni u deċentralizzazzjoni.
Naqbel mal-kumment ta' taħt. Dik hija inklinazzjoni tiżloq tabilħaqq. Allura aħna se npoġġu lil disroot.org fi rifjutat, iżda se nżidu kull servizz mingħajr kummerċ li jipprovdu individwalment (dawk biss li huma kompletament ħielsa mill-kummerċ ovvjament).
Although most of what they offer is trade-free, for several services they ask for trades in return of certain features like more cloud storage, an email alias, and more https://www.directory.trade-free.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/z25dJEb.png – they regard these as donations, but donations should not be rewarded with “premium”; features, else that is a trade (a transaction) – I give you a currency, you give me some features that you do not give to others. This is a very slippery slope.
Disroot joffri ħafna servizzi kompletament mingħajr kummerċ (Pads, PasteBin, Upload, Fittex, Polls) u għal xi wħud trid tirreġistra (Email, Cloud, Forum, Chat, Bord tal-Proġett). Meta ppruvajt nirreġistra biex niċċekkja dawn, ir-reġistrazzjoni ngħalqet: https://www.directory.trade-free.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/KS0C5ZK.jpg
they are very much against trades, as they write: No tracking, no ads, no profiling, no data mining!