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Food Is Free Inc. is a grassroots, community led not-for-profit group benefitting all Ballarat (Australia) citizens with a focus on those experiencing disadvantage and has a core purpose of assisting and promoting food security and community cohesion and inclusion. Food Is Free Inc. operates over two sites : Food Is Free Laneway and Food Is Free Green Space, both situated within a short walk of each other in Ballarat.


It is a very small project which offers food only in a city in Australia, but it seems like they offer it on a permanent basis, that’s why I would add it to the directory. People can find it in the search bar when they type in “food australia”.

What I don’t like about the website is that they advertise trade-based websites: “Set up a Facebook page. Use the power of social media and local media to get your voice heard and to gather the troops.” (http://www.foodisfree.com.au/how-to-start-your-own-fif-site.html). Also on the homepage, plus they use google-analytics…

If anyone argues it’s too small for the directory I would agree. But maybe that project grows into something bigger and I mean, they are offering trade-free food which you can just pick up and eat.

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