Snopyta ofrece ya 'befi jar 'ñu basados jár nthe̲gi, ar privacidad ne ar descentralización ¿Temu̲ ar — 'nar proveedor 'befi hinda 'yo̲t'e ar lucro. ¿Hogem'bu̲ bí aloja — Ma servidor principal o 'mu̲i Helsinki (Finlandia), ar searx ne ar jitsi jar Nuremberg (nu Alemäña), alojado ya Hetzner Online. Ar página ar dätä xi alojada jar Uberspace. ¿Temu̲ ar datos recopila? — Recogemos ar zu'we xeni tsa̲. Ngu, hingi registramos direcciones IP nixi ja ya nt'ani nthoni da realice ko ya searx.
They seem to provide a lot of tools for free. Trade-free. The only reason you may want an account with their website is to save your preferences for some of their services. But you can also access their services without and account. They are relying on donations for support and are very transparent with their spendings.