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'Nar ko ya operativo trade — free basado Manjaro Linux. Creemos ke ar mäs hei ar zu̲di da MacOS, xi hño da Windows, mäs personalizable da Android ne mäs seguro da iOS. Pa usuarios Internet, editores yá consumidores ya nt'ot'e, programadores, escritores, diseñadores, artistas. Ga̲tho!


I use TROM-Jaro for more than 1 year now and I am so happy with that trade-free operating system. It not only improved so much since I started using it, but I also don’t have to give anything for using it – no money, no data, nothing. On top of that, I use trade-free applications from the Apps-page on the website, so that I can volunteer more and use the money I save to support other trade-free projects.


TROMjaro xi totalmente mpe̲fi ar comercio. Hingi bí 'ya̲ni otho ja ya usuarios.


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