Ge 'nar nt'ot'e JavaScript WebRTC ar código abierto ne ar tsa̲ da utilizar da videoconferencias. 'Na tsa̲ da t'uni escritorio ne presentaciones ne ko ho̲ntho 'nar enlace to invitar 'ra'yo Maxte da videoconferencias. Ar tsa̲ da utilizar descargando ár nt'ot'e wa Hmunts'i 'nar navegador ne ar compatible ko 'na navegador reciente. Nu'bu̲ usuario to utilizar servidores wa tsa̲ da descargar ne instalar ar software ar servidor ja 'nar máquina basada jar Linux. Ar ndui característica clave ar Jitsi Meet ge ar comunicación cifrada (comunicación segura): a partir de abri ya 2020, ya llamadas 1 — 1 utilizan ar modo P2P, nu'u̲ xí cifrado ar extremo extremo a través de DTLS — SRTP ja yoho wat'i. Ya llamadas grupales 'nehe usan cifrado DTLS — SRTP, pe dependen ar ar Jitsi Videobridge (JVB) komongu enrutador video, hogem'bu̲ ya paquetes ar descifran temporalmente. Equipo Jitsi enfatiza nä'ä hmä "ni 'nar pa da almacenan jar ningún almacenamiento persistente ne Honto 'bu̲i ja ar memoria Mente ar enrutan ma 'ra wat'i ar 'ret'a", ne da medida nuna ar mahyoni nu'bya ya limitaciones actuales ar tecnología WebRTC subyacente. Ar ñoho característica clave ar Jitsi Meet ge mi otho ar 'medi da ja da instalar 'nar 'ra'yo software cliente.
Xí 'ñu̲, nuna ar hnini ya Hingar mpe̲fi comercio. Inyecta anuncios ngäts'i nä'ä ar kadu̲ 'nar llamada... pa ta̲i suscripciones Pro ja yá ya Pro.
They link to their pages on trade-based networks (facebook, linkedin, twitter), to trade-based collaborative software (slack) and to trade-based app stores (Google Play and App Store from Apple) because they have an app for phones. uBlock origin also blocked “” which is a “Product Intelligence platform helping companies build better products”. These things are not that bad, but I want to mention them, because else it’s a great service! You don’t need an account or pay money or so. You can just use it directly in the browser. Do they collect data? Yes, but not to make a business out of that: “8×8 is not in the business of selling personal information to third parties. 8×8 uses this information to deliver the service, to identify and troubleshoot problems with the service, and to improve the service. In addition, 8×8 may use this information to investigate fraud or abuse.” ( So I’d give them 4/5 blocks.Show more