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Flowblade Movie Editor is a free and open-source video editing software for Linux. The project was started by lead developer Janne Liljeblad in 2009 and has been active since. The source code is currently hosted on Github. Flowblade employs a film-style insert editing model as workflow with similar design approach as Avid. In insert editing clips are generally placed tightly after other clips when they are inserted on the Timeline. Edits are fine tuned by trimming in and out points of clips or by cutting and deleting parts of clips.


flowblade - еще один бесплатный видеоредактор, поскольку он ничего не требует от пользователя. Даже на сайте нет трейдов вроде трекеров или рекламы. Поэтому даю 5/5 блоков.

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