is a free, open and neutral, mostly wireless community network, with over 35,000 active nodes and about 63,000 km of wireless links (as of July 2018). The majority of these nodes are located in Catalonia and the Valencian Community, in Spain. but the network is growing in other parts of the world. The network is self-organized and operated by the users using unlicensed wireless links and open optical fibre links. The nodes of the network are contributed by individuals, companies and administrations that freely connect to an open network of telecommunications and extend the network wherever the infrastructure and content might not otherwise be accessible. Nodes join the network following the self-provision model since the whole structure is explicitly open to facilitate understanding how it is structured, so that everyone can create new sections as required. That results in a network infrastructure commons that provides abundant connectivity.
Guifi кажется еще одной из этих бесплатных и открытых сетей Wi-Fi. Не похоже, что сообщество, стоящее за этим, хочет собирать ваши данные из соображений прибыли, поэтому я даю им 5/5. Но я не знаю, есть ли какие-то компромиссы.