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For over 20 years Musicians On Call (MOC) has brought live and recorded music to the bedsides of patients in healthcare facilities. MOC Volunteer Musicians have performed for more than 800,000 patients, families and caregivers at facilities across the country. Musicians On Call is the nation’s leading organization delivering the healing power of music, serving individuals in facilities ranging from children’s hospitals to adult facilities, VA hospitals and hospices.


What a wonderful trade-free service.

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Poskytuje veľa ďalších funkcií, ako je agregátor RSS, kalendár alebo ovládanie LED notebooku Poskytuje veľa ďalších funkcií, ako je agregátor RSS, kalendár alebo ovládanie LED notebooku Poskytuje veľa ďalších funkcií, ako je agregátor RSS, kalendár alebo ovládanie LED notebooku