Kráľovský národný záchranný čln

Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) je najväčšia charitatívna organizácia, ktorá zachraňuje životy na mori okolo pobrežia Spojeného kráľovstva, Írskej republiky, Normanských ostrovov a ostrova Man, ako aj na niektorých vnútrozemských vodných cestách.
Their service is to save people out at sea- and they do this in a completely trade-free manner. People don’t need to go to the RNLI website to be saved, so I would like to give them 5 blocks, but I’ll give them 4 just so people are aware that they have trackers (and possible ads) on their website. Since their service is mainly out at sea (and not online), I would say that it is trade-free.
3 bloky pre niekoľko sledovačov (a možné reklamy), ktoré vidím na ich webovej stránke. Ich služba je skutočne bezplatná, ale ich službou je aj ich webová stránka, prostredníctvom ktorej môžu získať pomoc, poskytnúť vzdelanie, kontakt a podobne. Mali by odstrániť tieto sledovače!
Their philosophy is “to provide our lifesaving service using volunteers wherever possible, with voluntary donations supplying the funds needed to do so” and they saved more than 100.000 lives since 1824. On top of that they run educational programs where they “explain the risks and share safety knowledge with anyone going out to sea or to the coast”. They even work internationally. So it seems like they don’t do all that to make a profit or because they want to get anything in return. But because they just want to save people. That seems like a great example of a trade-free service.