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FHEM (TM) is a GPL’d perl server for house automation. It is used to automate some common tasks in the household like switching lamps / shutters / heating / etc. and to log events like temperature / humidity / power consumption. The program runs as a server, you can control it via web or smartphone frontends, telnet or TCP/IP directly. In order to use FHEM you’ll need a 24/7 server (NAS, RPi, PC, MacMini, etc) with a perl interpreter and some attached hardware like the CUL-, EnOcean-, Z-Wave-USB-Stick, etc. to access the actors and sensors. It is pronounced without the h, like in feminine.

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FHEM is a trade-free tool for house automation. No trackers or ads on the website. 5/5 blocks for FHEM.

siya mhinduro

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