GrapheneOS ndeye Android-yakavakirwa, chengetedzo-yakaomeswa, kuvanzika yakatarisana, yemahara uye yakavhurika-sosi, nhare inoshanda sisitimu yemafoni akasarudzwa. Yaizivikanwa se Android Kuomesa kusvika Kurume 2019, uye yakatarisana nekuvanzika uye kuchengetedzeka. Iyo inoenderana neanoverengeka Google Pixel mafoni.
Graphene OS inouya yakamisikidzwa nebrowser Vanadium iyo inoshandisa duckduckgo seyo default injini yekutsvaga. Sezvo duckduckgo isiri kutengeserana-yemahara, sezvavanoratidza ads mune yavo yekutsvaga mhinduro, ini ndichapa chete 4 zvidhinha.
I didn’t test Graphene OS, but from what they write it seems a trade-free operating system for phones. “GrapheneOS improves the privacy and security of the OS from the bottom up. It has a hardened kernel, libc, malloc and compiler toolchain with many low-level improvements. These changes are designed to eliminate whole classes of serious vulnerabilities or provide meaningful barriers to exploitation. We avoid making changes without a clear rationale and we regularly work towards simplifying and replacing these low-level improvements.” ( to me they seem to completely get rid of google and provide an operating system that does not want to exploit its users for the sake of trade. The website does not have trackers and ads neither. Because of that I give them 5/5. Of course I could be wrong, so if you find any trades, let us all know here.