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ku saabsan:

Panopticlick waa mashruuc cilmi-baaris oo loogu talagalay in si wanaagsan loo soo bandhigo aaladda iyo farsamooyinka raadraacayaasha internetka oo la tijaabiyo wax-ku-oolka waxyaabaha gaarka ah.


Interesting website to check if your browser is safe against tracking. Of course they use trackers on this website, since they are required to to this test. But you have to click on the test me button to start the test. That website also educates you about tracking techniques and raises awareness about these forms of trade, which many people are not aware of. I’d withdraw 1 block, because they provide sharing links to trade-based networks like facebook, google and twitter.Show more

Ka tag Jawaab

Cinwaanka emailkaaga lama daabici doono. Beeraha loo baahan yahay waa la calaamadeeyay *