thepa / lits'ebeletso Software le Hardware GNOME Evolution 5.0 5.0 ho linaleli tse 5 (ho ipapisitsoe le tlhahlobo e le 1) E ntle100%Hantle haholo0%Karolelano0%Mafutsana0%E tshabehang0% Kasalefree_azrarp20/11/2022 GNOME Evolution (formerly Novell Evolution and Ximian Evolution, prior to Novell’s 2003 Bala Haholoanyane
Sechaba thepa / lits'ebeletso Software le Hardware 2.3 2.3 out of 5 stars (based on 3 reviews) E ntle0%Hantle haholo0%Karolelano67%Mafutsana0%E tshabehang33% Kasalefree_azrarp31/05/2020 Libre Cloud Services. is a libre platform providing free cloud storage, online Bala Haholoanyane
thepa / lits'ebeletso Software le Hardware GNOME Calendar 5.0 5.0 ho linaleli tse 5 (ho ipapisitsoe le tlhahlobo e le 1) E ntle100%Hantle haholo0%Karolelano0%Mafutsana0%E tshabehang0% Kasalefree_azrarp15/05/2020 GNOME Calendar is a simple and beautiful calendar application designed to perfectly fit the Bala Haholoanyane
Sechaba thepa / lits'ebeletso Software le Hardware Framasoft 3.5 Linaleli tsa 3.5 ho tse 5 (tse ipapisitseng le litlhahlobo tse 2) E ntle0%Hantle haholo50%Karolelano50%Mafutsana0%E tshabehang0% Kasalefree_azrarp14/05/2020 Framasoft is a popular education social network created in November 2001 by Alexis Kauffmann, Bala Haholoanyane