thepa / lits'ebeletso Humanitarian Musicians On Call 5.0 5.0 ho linaleli tse 5 (ho ipapisitsoe le tlhahlobo e le 1) E ntle100%Hantle haholo0%Karolelano0%Mafutsana0%E tshabehang0% Kasalefree_azrarp18/05/2020 For over 20 years Musicians On Call (MOC) has brought live and recorded music to the bedsides Bala Haholoanyane
thepa / lits'ebeletso Humanitarian Music in Hospitals & Care 5.0 5.0 ho linaleli tse 5 (ho ipapisitsoe le tlhahlobo e le 1) E ntle100%Hantle haholo0%Karolelano0%Mafutsana0%E tshabehang0% Kasalefree_azrarp18/05/2020 Music in Hospitals & Care (MiHC) is a charity providing live music sessions for people who Bala Haholoanyane