thepa / lits'ebeletso Software le Hardware Open Source Routing Machine 5.0 5.0 ho linaleli tse 5 (ho ipapisitsoe le tlhahlobo e le 1) E ntle100%Hantle haholo0%Karolelano0%Mafutsana0%E tshabehang0% Katrom21/10/2024 The Open Source Routing Machine or OSRM is a C++ implementation of a high-performance routing Bala Haholoanyane
thepa / lits'ebeletso Software le Hardware Open Source Routing Engine for OpenStreetMap 5.0 5.0 ho linaleli tse 5 (ho ipapisitsoe le tlhahlobo e le 1) E ntle100%Hantle haholo0%Karolelano0%Mafutsana0%E tshabehang0% Katrom20/10/2024 Valhalla is an open-source routing engine and accompanying set of libraries for use with Bala Haholoanyane
thepa / lits'ebeletso Software le Hardware 5.0 5.0 ho linaleli tse 5 (ho ipapisitsoe le tlhahlobo e le 1) E ntle100%Hantle haholo0%Karolelano0%Mafutsana0%E tshabehang0% Kasalefree_azrarp24/06/2020 Since 2016 there is the route planner, whose maps are based on the free project Bala Haholoanyane
thepa / lits'ebeletso Software le Hardware GraphHopper 5.0 5.0 ho linaleli tse 5 (ho ipapisitsoe le tlhahlobo e le 1) E ntle100%Hantle haholo0%Karolelano0%Mafutsana0%E tshabehang0% Kasalefree_azrarp09/06/2020 GraphHopper is an open-source routing library and server written in Java and provides a web Bala Haholoanyane