thepa / lits'ebeletso Software le Hardware VirtualBox 5.0 5.0 ho linaleli tse 5 (ho ipapisitsoe le tlhahlobo e le 1) E ntle100%Hantle haholo0%Karolelano0%Mafutsana0%E tshabehang0% Kasalefree_azrarp03/07/2020 VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as Bala Haholoanyane
thepa / lits'ebeletso Software le Hardware Gnome Boxes 5.0 5.0 ho linaleli tse 5 (ho ipapisitsoe le maikutlo a 2) E ntle100%Hantle haholo0%Karolelano0%Mafutsana0%E tshabehang0% Kasalefree_azrarp16/05/2020 A simple GNOME application to view, access, and manage remote and virtual systems. While Bala Haholoanyane