Elimu bidhaa / huduma Programu na vifaa Gretl – Econometric platform 5.0 5.0 kati ya nyota 5 (kulingana na hakiki 1) Bora100%Vizuri sana0%Wastani0%Maskini0%Ya kutisha0% Natrom29/08/2023 Gretl is a free to use open software for statistical problems and to use econometric dataSoma zaidi
bidhaa / huduma Programu na vifaa Mixxx 5.0 5.0 kati ya nyota 5 (kulingana na hakiki 1) Bora100%Vizuri sana0%Wastani0%Maskini0%Ya kutisha0% Natrom15/07/2023 Mixxx is free and open-source software for DJing. It is cross-platform and supports most common Soma zaidi
bidhaa / huduma Programu na vifaa openHAB 4.0 4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review) Bora0%Vizuri sana100%Wastani0%Maskini0%Ya kutisha0% Natrom09/07/2023 Open Home Automation Bus (openHAB) ni programu huria ya otomatiki ya nyumbani iliyoandikwa kwa Java. Soma zaidi
bidhaa / huduma Programu na vifaa MQTT Explorer 4.0 4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review) Bora0%Vizuri sana100%Wastani0%Maskini0%Ya kutisha0% Natrom08/07/2023 MQTT Explorer is a comprehensive MQTT client that provides a structured overview of your MQTT Soma zaidi
bidhaa / huduma Programu na vifaa Thonny 5.0 5.0 kati ya nyota 5 (kulingana na hakiki 1) Bora100%Vizuri sana0%Wastani0%Maskini0%Ya kutisha0% Natrom05/07/2023 Thonny is a Python IDE meant for learning programming.Soma zaidi
Jumuiya bidhaa / huduma Programu na vifaa MapComplete 5.0 5.0 kati ya nyota 5 (kulingana na hakiki 1) Bora100%Vizuri sana0%Wastani0%Maskini0%Ya kutisha0% Natrom30/06/2023 MapComplete is a website where one can see and contribute to thematic maps. It show features Soma zaidi
bidhaa / huduma Programu na vifaa Node-RED 4.0 4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review) Bora0%Vizuri sana100%Wastani0%Maskini0%Ya kutisha0% Natrom29/06/2023 Node-RED is a flow-based development tool for visual programming developed originally by IBM Soma zaidi
bidhaa / huduma Programu na vifaa Logseq 5.0 5.0 kati ya nyota 5 (kulingana na hakiki 1) Bora100%Vizuri sana0%Wastani0%Maskini0%Ya kutisha0% Natrom27/06/2023 Logseq is a knowledge management and collaboration platform. It focuses on privacy, longevity, Soma zaidi
bidhaa / huduma Programu na vifaa fediverse.observer 5.0 5.0 kati ya nyota 5 (kulingana na hakiki 1) Bora100%Vizuri sana0%Wastani0%Maskini0%Ya kutisha0% Natrom18/06/2023 Fediverse Observer checks all servers in the fediverse and gives you an easy way to find a home Soma zaidi
bidhaa / huduma Programu na vifaa StreetComplete 4.0 4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review) Bora0%Vizuri sana100%Wastani0%Maskini0%Ya kutisha0% Natrom17/06/2023 Help improve OpenStreetMap with StreetComplete! This app finds missing map data in your Soma zaidi