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Piwigo is photo gallery software for the web, built by an active community of users and developers. Freely available extensions make Piwigo easily customizable. It is notable as a system with many features. Piwigo is a web-based system that is free and open-source, unlike Flickr or Picasa. This approach is reinforced repeatedly. It is licensed under the GPL. It is written in PHP and requires a MySQL database. It can be installed on your own server.

Anti-Robot Verification
FriendlyCaptcha ⇗

Similar to Wordpress, the Piwigo software is completely trade-free, but then they also offer some hosting plans on https://piwigo.com/. So don’t confuse them: piwigo.org is different than piwigo.com. The link provided here redirects you to the trade-free photo gallery software, that you can download and host on your server.


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