Theo chúng tôi
Trang web chính thức "
trong khoảng:

This website shows the searx public instances. It is updated every 24 hours, except the response times which are updated every 3 hours. It requires Javascript until the issue #9 is fixed. Searx is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from more than 70 search services. Users are neither tracked nor profiled. Public instances listed here may yield less accurate results as they have much higher traffic and consequently have a higher chance of being blocked by search providers such as Google, Qwant, Bing, Startpage, etc. Hosting your own instance or using an instance that isn’t listed here may give you a more consistent search experience.

cung cấp:

This is a search engine that you can host yourself and thus have 100% control over it. No trading anything.

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