Community ti' leti' áantajo'ob Karma Kitchen 5.0 5.0 5 eek'o'obo' (basado ti' 1 óolnake'). Jach ma'alo'ob100%Taj ma'alo'ob0%promedio0%Óotsil0%terrible0% Tuméentunk'ule' ku19/03/2023 Karma Kitchen first opened in Berkeley on March 31st 2007, by several volunteers inspired to Xook asab
Community ti' leti' áantajo'ob servicespace 4.0 4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review) Jach ma'alo'ob0%Taj ma'alo'ob100%promedio0%Óotsil0%terrible0% Tuméentunk'ule' ku19/03/2023 ServiceSpace is an organization run entirely by volunteers. We leverage technology to encourage Xook asab
Community ti' leti' áantajo'ob 5.0 5.0 5 eek'o'obo' (basado ti' 1 óolnake'). Jach ma'alo'ob100%Taj ma'alo'ob0%promedio0%Óotsil0%terrible0% Tuméentunk'ule' ku16/03/2023 What is H.e.l.f.a. in general about? We live in a world where not only the ongoing global Xook asab
Community ti' leti' áantajo'ob 5.0 5.0 5 eek'o'obo' (basado ti' 1 óolnake'). Jach ma'alo'ob100%Taj ma'alo'ob0%promedio0%Óotsil0%terrible0% Tuméentradefree_azrarp15/02/2023 Probably the best bike route planner in the world! Free of charge and privacy friendly. City, Xook asab
Community ti' leti' áantajo'ob Software ka Hardware karrot 4.0 4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review) Jach ma'alo'ob0%Taj ma'alo'ob100%promedio0%Óotsil0%terrible0% Tuméentradefree_azrarp03/10/2022 Karrot is a free and open-source tool for grassroots initiatives and groups of people that want Xook asab
Community ti' leti' áantajo'ob 5.0 5.0 5 eek'o'obo' (basado ti' 1 óolnake'). Jach ma'alo'ob100%Taj ma'alo'ob0%promedio0%Óotsil0%terrible0% Tuméentradefree_azrarp21/07/2022 is a non-profit and free platform, built by volunteers and responsible to the Xook asab
Community ti' leti' áantajo'ob 5.0 5.0 5 eek'o'obo' (basado ti' 1 óolnake'). Jach ma'alo'ob100%Taj ma'alo'ob0%promedio0%Óotsil0%terrible0% Tuméentradefree_azrarp13/07/2022 Cosum helps to organize lending between people who are in contact with each other. Communities Xook asab
Community ti' leti' áantajo'ob K'óoben bey je'el 5.0 5.0 5 eek'o'obo' (basado ti' 1 óolnake'). Jach ma'alo'ob100%Taj ma'alo'ob0%promedio0%Óotsil0%terrible0% Tuméentradefree_azrarp15/06/2021 An open-source recipe website, founded to provide a simple online cookbook without ads and Xook asab
Community ti' leti' áantajo'ob Software ka Hardware Codeberg 5.0 5.0 5 eek'o'obo' (basado ti' 1 óolnake'). Jach ma'alo'ob100%Taj ma'alo'ob0%promedio0%Óotsil0%terrible0% Tuméentradefree_azrarp06/12/2020 Codeberg is a non-profit organisation dedicated to build and maintain supporting infrastructure Xook asab
Community ti' leti' áantajo'ob Software ka Hardware Mobilizon Instances 4.0 4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review) Jach ma'alo'ob0%Taj ma'alo'ob100%promedio0%Óotsil0%terrible0% Tuméentradefree_azrarp29/10/2020 Mobilizon is your federated organization and mobilization platform. Gather people with a Xook asab