
Torrents.csv jump'éel repositorio colaborativo torrents yéetel u archivos, ku consiste ti' jump'éel torrents.csv torrent_files.csv. Yéetel a kaxant torrents, wa archivos ichil torrents. U ba'ax ku kaxtik jach u beel juntúul t.u.m archivos universal utia'al u datos populares. Inicialmente táan poblado yéetel jump'éel ju'unil ti' seguridad enero u 2017 ti' le bahía pirata, ka periódicamente u agregan túumben torrents tak ya'ab lu'umo'. lelo'oba' u torrents. Tal yéetel juntúul torrents autohospedable.csv servidor web, jump'éel xookilo' ti' internet ichil u comandos yéetel juntúul escáner carpetas utia'al u ts'áabal torrents yéetel u archivos. Torrents.csv chéen almacenará torrents yéetel bey jump'éel sembradora utia'al u mantener le archivo chan, ku purgará periódicamente ti' torrents ma' sembrados yéetel u ordenará tumen infohash.
you have control, since you can host it on a torrents.csv webserver – however “torrents.csv will only store torrents with at least one seeder to keep the file small, will be periodically purged of non-seeded torrents, and sorted by infohash”. I’d consider that as the nature of the software and not as a trade. If there are torrents which are non-seeded, then it makes sense to purge them. So the software is trade-free.