教育 商品/服務 汗學院 4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars (based on 3 reviews) 好到極33%好到極67%平均0%可憐0%可怕0% 由tradefree_azrarp13/05/2020 Khan Academy is an American non-profit educational organization created in 2008 by Salman Khan, 閱讀更多。
教育 商品/服務 多媒體。 TROM 4.8 4.8 out of 5 stars (based on 4 reviews) 好到極75%好到極25%平均0%可憐0%可怕0% 由特罗姆11/05/2020 TROM is a project that aims to showcase in detail the root cause of most of today’s problems 閱讀更多。
教育 商品/服務 維基百科 5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 2 reviews) 好到極100%好到極0%平均0%可憐0%可怕0% 由特罗姆09/05/2020 Wikipedia is a multilingual online encyclopedia created and maintained as an open collaboration 閱讀更多。