商品/服務 軟件同硬件 YouTube DL GUI 5.0 5.0粒星(滿分5粒星) (根據1條評論) 好到極100%好到極0%平均0%可憐0%可怕0% 由tradefree_azrarp16/05/2020 A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython.閱讀更多。
商品/服務 軟件同硬件 剪輯抓圖 5.0 5.0粒星(滿分5粒星) (根據1條評論) 好到極100%好到極0%平均0%可憐0%可怕0% 由tradefree_azrarp16/05/2020 ClipGrab is a free downloader and converter for YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook and many other online 閱讀更多。
商品/服務 軟件同硬件 Copy Paste Grab 5.0 5.0粒星(滿分5粒星) (根據1條評論) 好到極100%好到極0%平均0%可憐0%可怕0% 由tradefree_azrarp16/05/2020 An elementary OS app written in Vala that provides a GUI frontend for the popular youtube-dl 閱讀更多。